Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christian Phrases Tattoos Should A Place Of Business Be Allowed To Advertise Clearly Christian Phrases On Their Advertising Sign?

Should a place of business be allowed to advertise clearly Christian phrases on their advertising sign? - christian phrases tattoos

Every day I go through this bank is one of the posters outside electronic flashing different messages. Each day has at least one or two sentences, which are the clear proclamation of the Christian philosophy ... Things like "Jesus is the way" and so on.

I understand and accept that if it turned out, at a church or non-profit organization based on faith ... But a bank? It is a place to do business with the public, and the general public is not very Christian. How can someone, the Jew, Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or pagan feel reading this stuff in banks a sign? Certainly not the most business with this place!

What are your thoughts? If a place of business of a bank that they use their advertising sign to allow their faith and their religious principles to preach, or believe it is inappropriate and should not be allowed - Stick to business and keep religion make of that?


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