Thursday, February 4, 2010

C P Illegal Videos What Is Your Opinion La Raza Anounces How We Refer To Immigrants?

What is your opinion La Raza anounces How we refer to immigrants? - c p illegal videos

Join us Thursday, July 13, at 3:45 pm ET for a live video chat in the language of immigration. Let's talk about journalists use words to describe illegal immigrants, and why they use it.
The roundtable, organized by the International Center for Journalists in Washington, DC by the U.S. Immigration TODAY reporter Emily Bazar be conducted. Among journalists and experts from around the country. The event will be heard on the video player, and you can participate by asking questions or e-mail in advance, or by clicking the Chat button in the debate.

In today's, the United States, journalists use the term "illegal immigrants" for foreigners, which describe illegally in the country. Do not use the word "illegal" or "illegal", as the name, and avoid using the term "foreigner" to describe immigrants, except in quotations.

The National Council of La Raza, which defends the civil rights Hispanics, promotes the use of the term "illegal immigrant" or "undocumented workers & qdescribe uot; the people in the United States without legal status, "said Vice President Lisa Navarrete. "Especially against the use of the term" illegal "as a noun," she said. "It is necessarily a pejorative term, not to mention grammatically incorrect."

NumbersUSA, an organization that seeks to curb immigration, believes that "illegal aliens" is the more correct term, "said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations.

Under immigration law is a "stranger" person who is not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, Jenks said, people in the United States without inspection and "non-immigrants who remain more or against the conditions of their visa," illegal foreigners "." ...


Joel W said...

U.S. Today is not an impartial person. Help was given to illegal aliens, and almost infinitely, until recently. More recently, the attitude of the stories have changed .... sometimes ... and I think it reflects a change in attitude, but the belief that anger is growing for open borders.

Obama has taken the party against the people of the United States. It supports the efforts of illegal aliens receive citizenship. I think the fact that Senator Sessions from Alabama, the change of the Congress has received suggests that the Democratic majority is compatible with his position without reservation that was a sign of hope.

One thing is clear: If we have a national initiative, which makes the silver bullet vote on this issue, we will win. If you do not succeed, I believe the power of voters has declined over the course of time. And this nation seems to have been unfavorable for an international crisis to another, like a mirror image of the centralization of power in Congress, we urgently need a new form.

I think the fact that the current Immigration Act was not funded, and not enforced, said that Congress replaced a brake quickly or not soon the head of this beast anywhere n anytime. Lobbyists and interest groups who run this country and destroy us.

I'll be there. Moderators United States today does not allow issues relating to the concentration and the people from what I saw, and yet you call us thieves, vigil and anti-racist because they refuse to pay costs.

GreasyTo... said...

Again! an attack against La Raza? What is your problem with them?
Again! another element that you do not read carefully.

The race is a positive aspect of the word. The roundtable, organized by the International Center for Journalists in Washington, DC by the U.S. Immigration TODAY reporter Emily Bazar be conducted. Hmmmm!

I support this idea!

El Charro said...

Illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants, whatever.

But it is grammatically incorrect to be for a person, an illegal immigrant. Illicit is an adjective not a noun. The law is a name, and the illegal is an adjective that refers to something correctly or is not legal.

hotrod2k... said...

A Rose by any other name is still an illegal alien bastard! In Hispanic and legal by the way! The correct choice and you will receive documents if you are a "prohibited immigrant", which until then STFU or GTFO! This is not a question of human rights of their legal classification.

hotrod2k... said...

A Rose by any other name is still an illegal alien bastard! In Hispanic and legal by the way! The correct choice and you will receive documents if you are a "prohibited immigrant", which until then STFU or GTFO! This is not a question of human rights of their legal classification.

Micky....the resurrection said...

My opinion is that La Raza a racist organization, which should not exist. You have no right to tell someone what or how you say, tell. In summary, the race may cover all Americans, law-abiding, English-speaking ***.

Drixnot said...

Without papers? Mortadella, have in their own country. If they come here without permission to break the law for "illegal" is the correct term.

Peach said...

who gives a rat's ass what you say La Raza? Well, maybe a bleeding heart liberal or a qualified yes, but who cares. They are illegal immigrants, and that's what I always called and what they are still on!

Frances Carodine said...

I came here legally monitoring program called the Latin square and you will see the number of black struggle in the United States and other works, the statement will only prove that people are still people who are here unfairly here in the right direction

Charles R said...

Known in my town (Seguin. Tx) are Mexicans. Sorry to say, it is a sanctuary city.

Ice 'em said...

What has to say La Raza to make things worse for illegal immigrants.

Hugo said...

Why not call them "criminals"? .

elizabet... said...

is a spade a spade, no matter how much make-up, because it ... La Raza will say anything to a library in order to get love!

Give me Hotdogs or give me death said...

I want these illegal immigrants are from my garden and I'm grilling

TC T said...

La Raza is an ethno-centric special interest group that pushes for the conquest and annexation of the American Southwest. La Raza also manages more than 50 charter schools that have indoctrinated against America and a letter of separatists, the little children, and schools of America from Mexico to the south-west of America has been stolen from the United States during the Mexican-American War of 1848 and is one of law, to Mexico and it is his duty to reconquer for Mexico.

Kize said...

Non-immigrant and I do not want to hear the race for nothing. illegal immigrants, criminals, etc. .. La Raza just want it to break the law, as these people are not as devastating as they are really looking for. You want to appear like a victim. When they are criminals. La Raza can tell you what to call me, what I do and race and his supporters may .......................... .... ....... ...

remmycoo... said...

This is the treadmill of euphemisms in action.

If all called this "undocumented workers" very soon "undocumented workers" would offend the offensive, and still refers to something that people have a negative opinion.

You can call whatever you want. You can call the "American hero" if you think it will make a difference. But it's just lipstick on a pig.

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